WB Ration Card 2024 – Digital Ration Card Status List, & Apply Online Details

WB Ration Card 2024 Application is available at https://wbpds.wb.gov.in: The Portal is of West Bengal Public Distribution System (WBPDS) Department through which the citizens of West Bengal can apply for Digital Ration card.  Apart from this, through the West Bengal PDS Portal the applicant can search the Digital Ration Card Status, Locate the Nearest Ration Shop, View the Ration Count and also can locate the nearest Ration Distributor / Wholesaler List. Thus the Official Web Portal of Department of Food & Supplies, Govt. of West Bengal can be termed as a single-window to complete this list of tasks.

We through this article shall try to share all the necessary information related to the West Bengal Ration card. Thus after going ahead in this article, the readers will find details about the WB Ration Card Conversion to Non-Subsidised Card Process, Eligibility Conditions, necessary documents and other related information. 

Update: পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রেশন কার্ড অনলাইন আবেদন কেবল অ-ভর্তুকিযুক্ত রেশন কার্ডের জন্য। যে নাগরিকরা ভর্তুকিযুক্ত রেশন কার্ডটি রাখতে চান না তারা অনলাইনে আবেদন করতে পারবেন। এমন কোনও পরিস্থিতি হতে পারে যখন কোনও ভর্তুকিযুক্ত রেশন কার্ডধারক রেশনটি তুলতে সক্ষম হয় না এবং এটি রেশন ডিলারের কাছে থাকে। সুতরাং, তিনি ভর্তুকিহীন রেশন কার্ডে রূপান্তর করার জন্যও আবেদন করতে পারেন। এটি করার ফলে প্রকৃত সুবিধাভোগীদের মধ্যে রেশন বিতরণে সরকার সহায়তা করবে।

ভর্তুকিযুক্ত রেশন কার্ডের জন্য নাগরিকদের আপনার রেশন ডিলারের কাছ থেকে আবেদন ফর্ম সংগ্রহ করতে হবে এবং তারপরে রেশন ডিলারের কাছে আবেদন করা উচিত।

West Bengal Digital Ration Card: West Bengal Public Distribution System (WBPDS) or the Department of Food and Supplies, Government of West Bengal is the primary authority to provide food grains and other essential items to vulnerable sections of the society at reasonable (subsidized) prices. Now, to identify the beneficiaries, the department issues the Ration Card. Thus, West Bengal Ration card is an important part of this PDS system that helps the WBPDS to identify the beneficiaries and provide them ration according to various schemes as applicable.

WB Digital Ration Card 2024 Application Overview

Issuing AuthorityWest Bengal Public Distribution System
Article onWest Bengal Ration Card
CategoryRelated News
Application ProcessOffline or Online
Application Deadline2024
Official Websitewbpds.gov.in

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Different Types of Ration Card in West Bengal

To start the further discussion on West Bengal Ration Card, let us check the different Ration Card which is allotted to the residents of West Bengal. The ration card is West Bengal is generally two categories; NFSA and RSKY. Further, these two categories are subdivided into five categories namely Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY), Special Priority House Holds (SPHH) Card, Priority House Holds (PHH) Card, RKSY Type I & Type II Card. These are further illustrated as under –

CategoryNational Food Security Act (NFSA) CardRajya Khadya Suraksha Yojana (RKSY) Card
Sub CategoryAntyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) CardRKSY Type I Card
Sub CategorySpecial Priority House Holds (SPHH) CardRSKY Type II Card
Sub CategoryPriority House Holds (PHH) Card 

Now, that we know the different types of Ration Cards in West Bengal so let us check the entitlements of different Ration Cards. So, the Card Wise Ration Entitlement for Ration Card in West Bengal is shared here through the table as under –

West Bengal Ration Card Entitlement – Category Wise

CategoryCard TypeCommoditiesRateScaleTotal
NFSAAAYRiceRs. 2.00 / kg15 kg / Family / Month35 kg / Family / Month (Rice + Atta)
Wheat / AttaRs. 2.00 / kg20 kg / Family / Month
SugarRs. 13.50 / kg500 gm/ Head /Month
NFSASPHHRiceRs. 2.00 / kg2 kg/ Head/ Month5 kg /Head / Month (Rice + Atta)
Wheat / AttaRs. 3.50 /kg3 kg/ Head/ Month
SugarRs. 13.50 / kg500 gm/ Head/Month
NFSAPHHRiceRs. 2.00 / kg2 kg/ Head/ Month5 kg / Head / Month (Rice + Atta)
Wheat / AttaRs. 3.50 /kg3 kg/ Head/ Month
RKSYRSKY IRiceRs. 2.00 / kg2 kg / Head /Month5 kg / Head / Month (Rice + Wheat / Atta)
Wheat / AttaRs. 2.00 / kg3 kg/ Head/ Month
RKSYRSKY IIRiceRs. 13.00 / kg1 kg / Head /Month2 kg / Head /Month (Rice + Atta)
Wheat / AttaRs. 9.00 / Kg1 kg / Head /Month

Apart from the commodities listed above some additional benefits are provided by the West Bengal Food & Supplies Department for Darjeeling Hill Areas, Jungalmahal, Sundarban and other backward areas of the West Bengal as per the West Bengal Government Notifications.

West Bengal Ration Card Application Process

After the brief details on West Bengal Ration Card, the reader might want to know the process of the WB Ration Card Application. Well, to share the exact details on this, we must say that WBPDS has initiated an online application for Digital Ration Card. But please be informed that this online Application for Digital Ration Card on the Official Website is for Non-Subsidised Ration Cards.

Applicants who apply for WB Non-Subsidised Ration Card will not get any ration rather through this application, he/she himself is willingly letting and requesting the Government to issue him/her a Non-Subsidised Ration Card.

But, then what purpose shall this card serve. Well, the issued Non-Subsidised Ration Card will be a valid ID and Address proof as well for the applicants. The reader can know more details on it through the Times of India article link shared as under –

List of West Bengal Ration Card Related Forms

Sl. NoApplication FormsDownload Link
1Form: III-R (Application form for Inclusion in NFSA/RKSY eligible Family List)Click Here
2Form: IV-R (Application form for Inclusion of name(s) of one or more than one member of the already Included family in NFSA/RKSY Eligible beneficiaries’ List)Click Here
3Form: V-R (Application form for Correction of Name & Address for one or more than one members of the already included families under NFSA/RKSY)Click Here
4Form: VI-R (Application form for Change of Ration Shop (FPS) in respect of families already Included in NFSA/RKSY eligible family List)Click Here
5Form: VII-R (Application form for surrendering Ration Card NFSA/RKSY Eligible beneficiaries’ List)Click Here
6Form: VIII-R (Application form for the conversion of RKSY-II card for erstwhile AAY/BPL beneficiaryClick Here

How to Apply for Digital Non-Subsidised Ration Card in WB?

As discussed above, the non-subsidized ration cardholders will not be able to avail of any subsidized ration from WBPDS. In this state, there might be two types of applicants – one who does not have a ration card and the other who already have a subsidized ration card and does not want to avail the ration subsidy from the West Bengal PDS. So, to change the subsidized Ration Card to Non-subsidised Ration Card, he/she must apply to the WBPDS. Well, these two categories of applicants can apply through the official website of PDS West Bengal either offline or online. We shall discuss both the steps in the section below.

Offline Application Process of WB Digital Ration Card (Non-Subsidised)

Willing applicants to apply for West Bengal Ration Card (Non-Subsidised) can apply through two separate application forms. West Bengal PDS hosts two separate application forms, one for the rural applicants and another for urban area applicants. Candidates need to download the application form based on the place of residence. After filling the application form, the applicant should submit the filled-in application along with the photocopy of all the required documents as under to the Inspector of Food & Supplies of the concerned region. The photocopies of the following documents should be attached to the offline application –

  • Existing digital ration card (if any).
  • Old paper ration card.
  • EPIC or Voter Card.
  • Age Proof Certificate.

Willing candidates can download the offline application form through the link shared as under –

Form-X(R):-Offline Application form for Non-Subsidised Ration Card or Conversion to Non-Subsidised Ration Card (For Rural Area)Click Here
Form-X(U):-Offline Application form for Non-Subsidised Ration Card or Conversion to Non-Subsidised Ration Card (For Urban Area)Click Here

How to Apply Online for WB Digital Ration Card (Non-Subsidised)?

To submit online applications for the issue of the WB Digital Non-Subsidised Ration card, the willing candidates shall have to visit the West Bengal PDS Official Website. Thereafter following the links and stages, the willing citizen can process the form submission. Below we have shared the complete application process in easy steps to make the application process easier.

  1. To begin with, the candidate should visit the official WBPDS portal at https://wbpds.gov.in/.
  2. Thereafter, the applicant should click on “Click here to apply for Non- Subsidized Ration or Conversion to Non-Subsidized Ration Card” link.
  3. The Next Screen asks for entering the Mobile Number.
  4. Enter the 10 digits valid mobile no. in space provided and click on the “GET OTP” tab.
  5. On receiving the OTP, enter the OTP and click on the “VALIDATE” tab to validate the number.
  6. After the verification, the candidates have to select either a new application or conversion of the existing ration card to a non-subsidized option.
  7. The candidates on the next page shall have to enter the details and finally submit the application.
  8. After the final submission, candidates should download the application through the “Download Application” option and take a print for reference.

Citizens can also follow the user manual for the online application of the West Bengal Ration Card through the link shared here.

Download User Manual for WB Online Ration Card Application: Click Here

Here concludes, the online and offline method for WB Non-Subsidised Ration Card Application Process. Now, let us discuss the subsidised Ration Card Application Process.

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Process of Application for WB Digital Ration Card (Subsidised)

West Bengal Subsidised Rations Cards are the NFSA and RKSY Cards possessing of which entitles the holders of a subsidised ration from West Bengal Public Distribution System. Now, there is no sort of online application for the issuance of subsidised ration card in West Bengal. It is only through the Ration dealer of the respective region that the willing citizens should apply. While application, the necessary documents like EPIC, AADHAR, Family Members Ration Card etc shall have to attached with the application. Thus, the willing candidates should visi the Ration dealer to apply for new West Bengal (Subsidised) Ration Card.

WB Ration Card Application FormClick Here

Digitization of West Bengal Rationing System

West Bengal Government to maintain the integrity and with an aim to bring more transparency has started the digitization of the Food and Supplies Department. The Digital Ration Cards are the part of this massive digitization exercise that the state government launched last year. As a part of this drive, every citizen had to submit the application for the conversion of a paper ration card to a digital ration card. After successful submission, the citizens have started receiving the digital ration card.

Specimen of WB Digital Ration Card

The digital ration card is somewhat like a PAN Card which has the Card details, Name, Father / Mother Name, Date of Birth, Address and a unique number on it. Now, after the conversion application to Digital Ration Card, the West Bengal Digital Ration Card is getting delivered through the post offices. But a lot of citizens have not received the digital ration card. Thus here we shall share the process to check WB Digital Ration Status Check below.

West Bengal Digital Ration Card Status Check

  • Initially visit the official website at https://wbpdsgov.in
  • Now Click on Features in Menu & Navigate to Check Ration Card Application Status.
  • Tap on it & a new web page will open. Enter the details & Click Search button. The result will be displayed.

There is also another process of West Bengal Digital Ration Card Search. Interested citizens can also follow this process to fetch the application status. Hence follow the steps shared as under –

Alternate Ways to check WB Digital Ration Ration Card Status

  1. At visit the official website to official website at https://wbpds.gov.in/
  2. Now, navigate to ” Reports on NFSA” on the top Menu.
  3. Under the ” Reports on NFSA” option click on “Search Beneficiary Details by Name” .
  4. A New Web Page will open.
  5. Select the Ration Card Number Check Box.
  6. Now Enter the Ration Card Number & Select the Ration Card Type.
  7. Finally Click on Search Button.
  8. The Result will be available on screen.

Thus hopefully following either of the process discussed above, the citizens can easily fetch the WB Digital Ration Card Status.

West Bengal PDS Portal also allows the citizen to avail of various services including the WB Ration Card List, FPS (Ration Dealer Locator), Location Wise Distributor / Wholesaler List in addition to the above services.

How to check WB Ration Card List?

By following the easy steps here the citizen can easily check the WB Ration Card List under a FPS (Ration Dealer).

  • At first, visit the WBPDS portal.
  • Now, tap on the “Reports on NFSA” tab and select the “View Ration Card count (NFSA & state Scheme)” link from the dropdown.
  • A district-wise list of ration cardholders will appear on the screen.
  • Select the respective district.
  • Now, Select the Tehsil / Block.
  • Thereafter, select the FPS / Ration dealer of your Location.
  • The WB Ration Card List of the person under the concerned FPS will be available.

To check the additional services, the willing citizen can follow the direct link as under –

Know the Nearest Ration ShopClick Here
Location Wise Distributor / Wholesaler ListClick Here
Lodge Grievance / ComplaintsClick Here

We hope the information on West Bengal Ration Card and also on WB Digital Ration Card Status has been helpful to you. Hence, share this detail with your friends and relatives.

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